The eight of cups tarot card meaning

A man dressed in red is leaving. In the foreground are eight goblets. In front of him is a tall, dark mountain. In the sky the sun and the moon can be seen.

This person is responding to his inner urge to explore the unexplored lands.
The red clothing and boots indicate that he is consciously leaving everything behind and testify to courage and willpower. He does not do this out of dissatisfaction, but out of the knowledge that there is more. What has been valuable to him so far is now no longer sufficient. He turns his back on the eight jars.
The waning moon indicates a process that is being completed.

He relies on his will, the staff. The dark mountain indicates that he has no idea what awaits him. The climb will require effort.
The water is the stream of life. The sun and moon illuminate his path.


Reflection. A turning point. Departure. The rejection of social habits and established thought patterns. A search. A "departure map."

Day card

It's time to take a new path. Unnoticed, you are empty and exhausted. You are looking for fulfillment and therefore consciously go looking for what you miss in your life. You let go of the old familiar even though it hurts. It can be different and you know that deep in your heart.


What activities are you discontinuing?
What are you dissatisfied with?
In what way do you feel you have failed?
With whom or what do you not want to continue?
What do you withdraw from?
What do you leave behind?
Who or what do you turn your back on?