The queen of cups tarot card meaning

The queen of cups sits with her throne at the water's edge.
In her hands she holds a beautiful goblet, which is guarded by two angels.
Her throne is adorned by mermaids.

The blue colors refer to the element Water and its function of flowing movement, intuition, sensitivity and receptivity.
The mermaids on the throne represent the connection between water and earth.
The queen of cups indicates the same connection; she is also an important link between the water and the earth. She rules over feelings and channels them.

The cup in her hand perhaps indicates the Holy Grail and represents the divine gift of reflective clairvoyance.
Her receptivity allows the queen of cups to unite completely with her element. She is double water. Because of this, she possesses empathy. She can completely empathize with another person; she is the queen of feelings.

Character: Deeply sensitive, imaginative, intuitive, mediumistic, sacrificial, above all loving and devoted.
General: the queen of cups channels feelings, emotions, dreams and visions; she reflects the unconscious in others and also represents helping and healing powers.

WATER OF WATER: This queen is completely in her element, her emotional life is highly developed, she has great empathy.
Because water is very passive she can drown in passivity. Just as the King of Wands (fire of fire) can sometimes trot (or burn out).


Highly emotional experiences. Channeling of feelings. Empathy. Possibly moody and emotionally unbalanced. Loving understanding. Protective.

Day card

You are extremely sensitive and spiritual. Sometimes you are even a dreamy and mysterious person. A born medium and always willing to help someone with your sensitivity and impressions. You react particularly sensitive to the outside world today because you are very emotionally empathetic to those around you.


What strong emotional experiences are you going through?
What feelings are you trying to control?
What do you feel clearly in others and what does that say about yourself?
With which of your own feelings do you have difficulty accepting?
Who or what is the object of your love?
Who or what do you want to protect?