The tower tarot card meaning

The Tower is struck by lightning and the crown falls off. In addition, a fire is started by the impact. Flames come out of the three windows. Also, two persons fall out. Furthermore, twenty-two flaming tongues or god sparks are seen.

The Tower is man himself with all his qualities and peculiarities. Everything is in that tower.
The lightning strikes by a violent impulse, from outside or by one's own insight. The crown falls off and the Tower is opened.

The lightning strikes, the fire, or light pours in. During this strike, the lower qualities and feelings (emotions) are thrown out. This is represented by the persons falling down.

That which comes out and is destroyed is often accompanied by violent conflict.
The sparks are also flashes of light. They always symbolize a flash of awakening. This impact comes unexpectedly and is also called "the hand of God." It can be a dramatic experience, but in retrospect it is a liberating one.
The impact always indicates the presence of spirit (light). A major breakthrough takes place on three levels, symbolized by the three windows, namely spiritual, physical and emotional (soul). A great cleansing to body and spirit. Evil destroys itself.
Every form of conceit comes to an end. It is a card of difficulties, of change, breakthrough (but to the positive).

The Tower symbolizes the inner process of transformation, whereby suddenly and completely unexpectedly through a deep and profound experience there is a breakdown of the old personality. It is the destruction of all imperfections and therefore also implies liberation.


Sudden changes, difficulties. Conflicts. Liberation from negative situations. Breakthrough.

Day card

You are in a crisis. It seems like today all the world is about to collapse. An unexpected dash through your plans. You didn't see this coming and it comes to you like a bolt from the blue. You have no influence on it. It happens to you. Suddenly there is an end to your situation, dismissal, a broken relationship or a shocking event. Suddenly all your certainties are gone. Everything hurts, you feel sadness and you are powerless. You have to go through this, there is no other way, it had to be this way and it was decided from above.


What are you suddenly looking at from a new angle?
What shocking insights do you suddenly come to?
How and/or why do you undermine your self-image and self-confidence?
What frustrates you?
What do you want to change radically in your life?