The empress tarot card meaning

The Empress sits on her seat in the midst of nature. Her garden is like a paradise. This card exudes beauty, opulence and fertility. The rich harvest at her feet is a sign of this fertility. She herself appears to be pregnant as well.

The Empress shows her extensive wealth. This wealth is imbued with love. This is symbolized by the Venus symbols, namely the cypresses, the garland of blueberries on her head, the pomegranates on her gown.

The crown on her head contains twelve stars. These represent the twelve signs of the zodiac, in sign that she can deal naturally with any type of person.

The necklace contains seven pearls. Pearls are also Venus symbols. The number 7 refers to the seven classical planets, whose powers assist her in accomplishing her task. In her right hand she holds a scepter with sphere, she rules the world. Her shield is shaped like a heart, in which the Venus sign is engraved. This means that love, gentleness and goodness are her protection. The stream of water is the stream of life.

The Empress is love, the pure compassionate, all-encompassing love.


Fertility. Pregnancy. Birth (both literal and figurative). Motherhood. Association. Love. Gentleness. Beauty. Understanding. Artistic inspiration. Creativity and art. Imagination. Success. Desire. Growth and development. A "love card" (Venus).

Day card

You can expect a fruitful day today. You have both feet on the ground and are full of inspiration. You feel on top and in full health today.


Who or what do you nurture and/or encourage?
How does your creativity manifest itself?
Who or what do you attract or want to attract to you?
How do you meet your sensory needs?
Who do you want to enchant?