The page of pentacles tarot card meaning

The page of pentacles looks at the pentagram in his hands. He is in a meadow landscape and is dressed in shades of green and brown. His red head covering stands out. In the background a group of trees and mountains. There is a certain calmness radiating from this card.

From the looks of it, this squire has an eye only for the pentagram. He is meticulously studying every detail of it and trying to connect with it. This is represented by his hands, of which only the fingertips hold the pentagram. The page of pentacles is double earth; he is completely absorbed in what he is doing.

The brown and green of his clothing are the colors of the earth and of nature. His red head covering stands for the energy, the enthusiasm, with which he works. The group of trees and the mountains are references to the future, which looks hopeful.

Character: Eager to learn, persistent, tolerant of all people, responsible, careful, concerned.
Message: Informative, advisory.
Event: Learning and studying, opportunity to earn money, a meaningful offer.
General: the page of pentacles boldly seeks knowledge, experiences and new skills.

EARTH OF EARTH: This is earth squared. This page is particularly concerned with practicality. The lack of both fire and water and air can also make him unimaginative or lifeless. The positive flip side is that you know what you have on him.


Learning from sensory experience. Seeking practical knowledge and skills. Research. Taking risks in material areas. Seeking security. Strengthening your bonds with people, animals and things. Defining your place in the world.

Day card

You are very realistic today. You know that if you are going to collapse somewhere, you can create new things by yourself. A study with a good end result, for example. You are looking for certainties. Maybe today you should turn your dreams into real plans, so that you can make your future a reality.


What do you explore?
In what ways do you learn from your sensory experiences?
What do you want to learn to handle?
What risks do you take?
In what ways do you strengthen your bonds with other living things?
What do you collect?