The ace of swords tarot card meaning

In the Creator's hand you see a double-edged sword and a golden crown with rubies. Branches hang from the crown and six god sparks fall down. The mountainous landscape has a chilly feel to it.

The Ace of Swords is the primal source of the element Air. Air is the power of thought, the ability to think. Everything is created from a thought. Thoughts create. Do you remember this scripture: "And the spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said there be light and there was light" (Genesis 1:2, 1:3).

Just as the air is always in motion, so is thinking, the mind. It is constantly in motion. Thoughts can have both positive purposes and I-directed purposes.

The Swords series involves physical and/or mental activity.
The sword as such is a weapon for fighting, a tool for cutting, separating and dividing and also a symbol of judgment.

Swords Ace represents in a positive sense the sword of the mind, higher thinking. In this sense, mind-thinking becomes mind-thinking. This means that spirit rules over matter, which is expressed in power and discernment.

The sword points straight up and indicates right perception. It penetrates the crown of matter, rises above matter. Wisdom leads us beyond earthly boundaries and limits to spiritual truth, which encompasses life. The mountain landscape also symbolizes this spiritual truth.

The six sparks of God indicate that the sword of discernment should be wielded out of love. These six God sparks also symbolize the developing sixth sense.


Expansion of mind. Decisiveness. A concrete decision (cuts through). Strength and discernment. Self-confidence (the self trust).

Day card

You think carefully in everything you do. Your analytical ability is very high. Today is a good time to break free from old thoughts and patterns. You will get through it! Thinking gives your life more meaning and is indispensable to you in everything you do. You are not easily swayed and you will find the solution to that one problem.


What are you mentally busy with?
What problem do you want to approach carefully?
What decision do you want to make?
What causes and motives do you want to get to the bottom of?