The queen of swords tarot card meaning

The Queen of Swords sits on her throne facing east.
The clouds surrounding her throne indicate that she is sitting on a great height.
She holds the sword upright in her right hand.
On her throne are an angel's head, two half moons and butterflies. A single bird can be seen.

The blue cloak adorned with clouds indicates the element Air and also its coolness.
Her gray gown represents wisdom.
The angelic head reflects higher thinking.
The half moons and the butterflies on the throne represent the ever-changing form of matter.

The golden butterflies on her crown symbolize mental abilities.
The sword pointing straight up represents her discernment and perspicacity.
The string on her left wrist (left is the side of feeling) resembles a cut rope. This indicates past ties, which have been cut. These experiences, which often involved parting and grief, have made her wise.
She looks gloomily at the world, but extends her open hand to it.

The Queen of Swords is extremely independent. She has pure intuition and the ability to see everything from two sides.

Character: Intelligent, analytical, independent, honest and fair, decisive and decisive.
General: Swords Queen channels thoughts and analyzes feelings; she sees through deception and keeps her emotions in check.

WATER OF AIR: Rain, clouds, mist. Here feeling (water) merges with reason (air). In this queen, in addition to feeling, reason is well developed.
She is the most rational queen and we often think that she comes across as cold, as a cold mist. This is because we do not always have her razor-sharp ability to cut through knots where necessary. She can also, like a shower of rain, bring clarity, and dispel the mist. This queen has both the brightness and the haze in her.


Taking a clear stand. Intelligent and analytical. Sharp perception. Sensible. Getting to the heart of the matter. Fair and critical. Righteous. Sometimes unscrupulous or vindictive. Being able to see through the outside.

Day card

You have suffered a lot lately. As a result, you have also gained a lot of wisdom. This wisdom, in turn, you can use to understand and help another person. You hate lies and few people can fool you. You see through people quickly and honesty is your priority. Today is a good day to make quick decisions because you certainly have a good view of your situation.


What position are you taking?
What are you intellectually analyzing?
What are you looking right through?
What are you sharply criticizing?
About whom or what do you make yourself angry?
Who criticizes you?
To what extent do you manage to be objective?