The page of swords tarot card meaning

The page of swords stands in a hillside. High in the sky are birds. The sky is partly cloudy. The wind is quite strong. He keeps a close eye on where the wind is coming from.
The sword he keeps ready to strike.

This squire reflects vigilance. A very careful watching of the events around him. The clouds and wind tell something about unpredictable, changeable conditions, while the birds stand for ideas.

The colors white, yellow, lilac-purple and azure blue represent the element Air.

Character: Communicative, intelligent, adaptable, agile, clever
Message: Unexpected turmoil, changes.
Event: The chance to clarify something, research.
General: the page of swords seeks justice and truth; he gets to the heart of the matter, but can sometimes do so thoughtlessly.

EARTH OF AIR: Think of a mountain peak or a rocky outcrop sticking high into the sky, where there is a strong wind.
There are plenty of ideas, they blow around your ears. The mind (air) must get ground (earth) under its feet here and test what is worth preserving. But the squire doesn't always succeed, he is in danger of getting so many ideas and impressions that he no longer gets around to processing them.


Breaking down ingrained and/or oppressive patterns of thought and feeling. Seeking truth and justice. Not mincing words. Making contacts. Providing important information. Penetrating to the core. Possibly reckless, callous or vindictive.

Day card

Your greatest enemy is not the outside world but is inside yourself. Fears may cause you to panic at times but try to use your mind. The air clears up after an argument or conflict. Often you are a bit clumsy because you are wary. Face the facts even if it means admitting your mistakes. You are honest so you also correct your mistakes. You do not let yourself be discouraged because perseverance wins.


What message are you conveying?
What patterns are you breaking?
What are you defending with all your might?
What contacts do you wish to establish?
What justice do you want to do?
To whom or what do you want to penetrate?