The four of wands tarot card meaning

A garland of flowers between four rods. People are celebrating exuberantly.
The two people in the foreground are showing the harvest. It is clear to see that this is a successful completion.

In the background you can see a walled city or fortress, which is being abandoned by the two persons.
The walled city or fortress indicates the leaving behind of boundaries and/or limitations, the breaking of past patterns or structures.


Result. Reward. Completed work. Completion leaving boundaries behind. Celebration, harvest festival. Peace and harmony

Day card

Today you feel happy and in a party mood because you have something to celebrate. A relationship that is going well, a happy feeling of gratitude for everything you may enjoy. The freedom, an annoying, oppressive situation that has finally come to an end or an unexpected fun event. You are happy, pleased and celebrating life.


What have you completed?
In what way do you relax after the work done?
What goal did you accomplish?
In what have you successfully succeeded?
What will you celebrate?
What will you conclude?
What have you achieved?