The ten of wands tarot card meaning

Carrying a heavy load, a man makes his way laboriously home.
The magnitude of his burden is so great that he cannot see ahead of him. He must therefore exert all his strength to reach his goal.

This person's burden is too great and too heavy. It is growing over his head and robs him of his sight. He no longer has a view.
This burden is too great and refers to too much responsibility. This can involve work, ambitions, financial matters, the family or a relationship.


Load. Great responsibility. No overview. Improper use of forces.

Day card

This card gives you a warning. Because of your burdens and responsibilities, you become stressed and overloaded. You don't take time for rest and relaxation. Everything is going to get bumpier and bumpier because you feel like you have to do everything on your own. The worries press on your shoulders and yet you keep saying yes and amen. STOP! It can also be different. Share your time differently and give yourself room to relax. Do something nice for yourself today. A game on the PC or a soothing walk in the woods. You will see that you will forget your worries for a while and will gain new energy.


What heavy responsibility are you taking on?
What do you experience as a burden that weighs you down?
What goal are you pursuing?
Which goal is nearing its completion?
Who do you blame for what?