The page of wands tarot card meaning

The page of wands is in the desert looking very intently at a flowering staff.
He is very sumptuously dressed in warm, sunny tones. He wears a white hat with a red feather.
In the background are three pyramids.
This page watches the processes of nature with full attention, the emergence of new life. This is symbolized by the staff, from which leaves spring.

The Fire colors red, orange yellow and gold of his clothing and the landscape express the element and its function: desire vitality, courage and enthusiasm.
The white hat indicates the simplicity and artlessness with which he works.
However, the feather in the form of a flame on his hat and the salamanders on his clothes refer to his fiery nature. The salamanders are the elemental inhabitants of the element Fire (fire spirits).
The three pyramids in the background can be seen as the three areas of consciousness.

Character: Extroverted. Friendly. Vitality. Courage. Likes to be in the spotlight.
Message: Encouraging. Good news.
Event: Throwing oneself into adventure. Opportunities from outside to do something new. Compelling proposal.
General: the page possesses little power over the fire energy. He seeks new directions to grow and develop, using his imagination.

EARTH OF FIRE: Think here of burning wood, the wood is the hard matter that feeds the fire.
So is this page, he is full of enthusiasm to start something new and give a lot of energy to it. He is someone who starts something, if he has to stay with something longer (maintain it) his earth side (squire) may allow him to do so, but his fire side (rods) will still long for the new enthusiasm.


Taking the initiative. Conveying messages. Energetic and enterprising. Not mincing words. Looking for new and interesting opportunities for change. Taking risks. Getting inspired and excited.

Day card

There will be news in your direction today. Something is likely to come your way that you will embark on confidently and carefree. Discovering a new beginning and full of adventure. Following a calling. Don't you like it anymore? Oh well, then you go cheerfully in another direction. If necessary, you can take on any challenge even if it is sometimes very risky. As long as you enjoy it.


What new initiatives are you undertaking?
Who are you contacting?
What are you excited about?
What are you researching or looking for?
What are you boldly expressing?